King Khalid University


E learning Deanship Statistics Report

king Khalid university - media center

The E-learning Deanship at King Khalid University continues providing its electronic academic services, with 11035 virtual lectures and 12550 recorded virtual lectures, during the second week of the second semester of 1442 AH.

The Dean of E-learning Deanship, Dr. Nayef Jabali, explained that the Deanship provided a training course for the faculty members, entitled "How to Start Your Course and to How to activate the E-learning Management System.” in addition to holding 944 meetings and online seminars during this academic year.

E- learning Technical Support Report :

The Deanship provided an estimate of 293 phone calls , 232 WhatsApp messages, 50 office services , 42 emails and 211 live chats.

With an overall of 60% faculty member technical support and 40% student support.

It's worth noting that 168734 users signed in to the e-learning services during the second week, while the university Tamkeen channel on youtube received 233 views for the faculty guide videos and 44 views for student guide videos.