King Khalid University


Statistics of the E-learning Deanship

KKU - Media Center

The E-learning Deanship at King Khalid University continues providing its electronic academic services, with 8316 virtual lectures and 2898 recorded virtual lectures, during the first week of the second semester of 1442 AH.

The Dean of E-learning Deanship, Dr. Nayef Jabali, explained that the Deanship provided 6 training courses for the University's students, entitled "A Training Program on Using the Blackboard Learning Management System."

The Deanship provided many technical support services with 530 phone calls, 423 WhatsApp messages, 34 through the Deanship's office, 8 emails and 120 live chats, 44% of those technical support services were for faculty members and 65% were for students.

104316 users signed in to the e-learning services during the first week, and the students and faculty members received two instructional infographics about the mechanics of using the e-learning Deanship's platforms.