King Khalid University


60000 Students Resume Studying on the University

KKU - Media Center

His Excellency, King Khalid University President, Prof. Faleh bin Rajaa Allah Al Sulami, stressed the importance of activating the mechanisms of receiving freshmen students, and providing them with the required training programs on the Blackboard Learning Management System, to ensure their integration with the learning process, in accordance with King Khalid University's rules.

On his part, the Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, Prof. Saad bin Dajam, explained that all students' needs were taken into consideration, adding that the University has prepared special programs for students with disabilities, to help them integrate with the e-learning environment, and interact easily with the e-learning tools, an advanced level of technical support is prepared as well.

The Deanship of Admissions and Registration, completed the process of registering students' schedules and sections, in accordance with the University and the Ministry of Education's rules.

Dean of Admissions and Registration, Dr. Abdul Mohsen Al-Qarni, explained that the students registered to 15.000 practical, theoretical and electronic sections this semester, adding that the Deanship is working on making additional sections, in case the Colleges and Departments needed more.

The Deanship of Post-Graduate Studies finished registering students' schedules electronically, in the 11 colleges that offer post graduate programs.

The Dean of Post Graduate Studies, Prof. Ahmed Al Faie, explained that the Deanship registered more than 1500 students' schedules, in more than 1000 electronic sections for the post graduate courses this semester.

The E-learning Deanship, also worked on helping the students and faculty members, by registering the faculty members and students to the electronic sessions, and by solving the problems that may face them, in addition to providing a number of training lectures on electronic systems, for the students and faculty members.

On his part, the Dean of E-learning Deanship, Dr. Nayef Jabali, explained that the Deanship has prepared a training plan that includes 15 training courses dedicated to the faculty members, 5 simultaneous electronic training courses for students, and a non simultaneous electric training program (E-learning Skills) which is available for new students, the registration to this program is also available to all university students.

The E-learning Deanship also worked on spreading awareness of the best educational practices in the e-learning environment, through e-mails, sms messages and symposiums, to enable the faculty members to teach and deliver the educational materials with a better quality through the electronic system, and to give students a better learning experience.

Al Jabali, added that the E-learning Deanship is going to provide other programs for faculty members, including (E-learning Practitioner) which is a program that aims to enable the faculty members to use and activate the virtual sessions and the Blackboard Learning Management System, in line with best practices.

The E-learning Deanship is keen on diversifying the methods of presenting the electronic training programs, it provided 245 instructional videos for faculty members and 44 instructional videos for students on this YouTube channel