King Khalid University


The University President Thanks All University Members and Students for their Efforts During the First Semester of 1442 AH.

KKU - Media Center

His Excellency King Khalid University President, Prof. Faleh bin Rajaa Allah Al Sulami, expressed his thanks and appreciation to the university employees and faculty members for their efforts during the first semester of 1442 AH.

He explained that their efforts are effective in achieving the goals of the educational process, adding "you've proven your ability to face the hardest challenges and benefit from all the available resources and capabilities, because of you, we were able to get through this phase with great success, we are proud to be serving this country, and we appreciate the ultimate support we get from our wise leadership and the Ministry of Education."

Al Sulami also congratulated the university students, he said: "I'm happy to congratulate you for the success you've achieved in this semester, you were responsible and completely harmonized with the educational environment, which was prepared for you by our wise leadership, to ensure your safety and ability to continue your academic journey, may god always help you to serve this generous country."