King Khalid University


Training Courses and Programs Benefit 2188 University Members

KKU - Media Center

The Administrative Development Department at King Khalid University, held a number of training courses and programs targeting university members, during the first semester of 1442 AH, a number of training courses were held in coordination with the Institute of Public Administration and the General Court of Audit.

The Dean of Human Resources Deanship Dr. Ali Al Olayani, explained that these training courses and programs are part of the Deanship's efforts to enhance the work performance of university members, to achieve the Deanship's mission of efficient and innovative management and development of human resources, by investing distinguished capabilities, in line with best practices.

On his part, the Director of the Administrative Development Department, Prof. Ali bin Saleh Al Dumaih, said that an estimate of 2188 university members benefited from these training courses.

These training courses are important to develop the skills and potentials of university employees in areas that include, risk management assessment, professional skills in work procedures, monitoring skills, content analysis in social networks, facility management, leadership skills, achieving excellence in strategies implementation in universities, improving the financial performance during crises, change management, risk-based audit, performance control, governmental accounting, practicing internal auditing in government agencies.