King Khalid University


A Virtual Symposium Held to Celebrate World Arabic Language Day

KKU - Media Center

His Excellency King Khalid University President Prof. Faleh bin Rajaa Allah Al Sulami, confirmed that the University aims to enhance the role of the “Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language“ Unit which targets non Arabic speaking students and employees and works towards improving their Arabic Language.

His Excellency patronized a virtual academic symposium, about the World Arabic Language Day 2020. The symposium was organized by the Arabic Language Department at the College of Humanities, and witnessed the attendance of more than 500 people, on Sunday the 20th of December 2020.

Al Sulami thanked the College of Humanities and the Arabic Language Department for organizing this symposium, he also thanked our wise leadership for their efforts in serving the Arabic Language locally and internationally, by establishing colleges, institutes and research chairs devoted to the Arabic Language, most prominent of which is King Salman International Complex for Arabic language.

The Dean of the College of Humanities, Prof. Yahia Abdullah Al Sharif, welcomed His Excellency the University President and thanked him for patronizing the symposium and supporting the Arabic language and the Department's activities. Al Sharif, also welcomed all the attendees and participants, he then talked briefly about the World Arabic Language Day.

4 Scientific Papers were presented during the symposium, by elite faculty members of the Arabic Language Department, Prof. Abdul Hamid Al-Husami, started the symposium by discussing the role of technology and the importance of its presence in children's lives, stressing that technology is now a part of the educational process.

On his part, Dr. Abdulrahman Al Mohseni, discussed the ability to Arabize digital content, assuring that scientific research indicates a mandatory transformation of learning in technical environments, which requires activating the role of Arabic language digitally.

Regarding Arabizing the digital content, Dr. Suhair Al Qahtani, also presented a scientific paper entitled "The Role of Language Academies in knowledge approximation." She stressed the importance of the Academies' roles in approximating and Arabizing scientific, technical and urban terminologies. She also emphasized the role of Language Academies' in shaping common invariants, since language is invariant in human lives patterns.

The last scientific paper was presented by Dr. Yahya Al Latini, entitled "A New Vision of Language Academies" in which he confirmed that Language Academies will never go back to the old methods in terms of enhancing their presence, since that can be done by presenting the language digitally, to enrich Arabic digital content. He also emphasized the importance of translation accuracy, which is something many modern programs lack.

The symposium was concluded by answering some questions, which were mostly about activating the role of technical means, to enhance and strengthen the use of Arabic language locally and internationally.