King Khalid University


Students Affairs Celebrates the International Day of Disabilities

King Khalid University, Media Center

The Center for people with Disabilities at the Deanship of Students Affairs, organized
a seminar to mark the International Day of Disabilities entitled ''The Challenges that
Face Disabled People in Light of the Corona Pandemic and the Most Prominent
Solutions''. The seminar presented several topics, which included:''University
Students with Disabilities and Online learning ''which was presented by Dr. Sireen
Bakri, while Dr. Abu al-Ghaith, delivered a speech about the ''Challenges Facing
Individuals with Mental Disabilities and their Families During the Corona Pandemic”

Followed by the supervisor of the Department of Special Education Dr. Basma Al-
Shahrani, who discussed “The impact of the Corona Pandemic on the Education of
People with Disabilities”. Finally, the Supervisor of the Center of People with
Disabilities at the Student Affairs Agency Dr. Amer Ali Jafar, concluded the seminar
by talking about” The Services Offered to People on the Spectrum, During the
Corona Pandemic” It is worth noting that the number of attendees reached an
estimate of 150 persons .

On the same note, the Center of People with Disabilities in cooperation with the
Zamzam association, held a number of activities for children with disabilities at Al-
Rashid Mall, in the presence of the organizing committee, the supervisor of the
center, Dr. Amer Jaafar, and a number of volunteers, in addition to an educational
booth which displayed the services provided by the university for students with
disabilities .