King Khalid University


The initiative "Reassure about you" for early detection of breast cancer

King Khaled University_ Media Center

King Khalid University, represented by the College of Medicine and Outpatient Clinics at the University Medical City in Abha, is launching a campaign for early detection of breast cancer alongside with the Breast Cancer Awareness Month, entitle "Reassure us about you".

Dr. Haifa Abdel-Khaleq Al-Hafzi, the Family Medicine and Women's Health Consultant, a faculty member at the College of Medicine and the general supervisor of the initiative, explained that this initiative urges awareness-raising and early detecting in order to reduce deaths from breast cancer by about 30% in the long run, and increase the percentage of cases that are detected early in the short term, and define the target group and ensure that the service reaches them in high quality and with perfect coverage, in addition to make sure that the examination is safe, effective and high quality.

She indicated that the initiative will last for thirty days, starting from 15th October- to 15th November, and it will be going in three stages, starting with the announcement phase in Arabic and English.

Then the second stage includes sorting cases and giving them appointments, which will be carried out in cooperation with volunteers from the Family Medicine Department; where the applications are sorted according to the medical conditions consideration ( age and the presence of risk factors that require examination for early detection of breast cancer), then appointments are set and sent for counted cases-In cooperation with volunteers in the appointment registration department.

the third and last stage includes the clinical examination and radiological examination, during which the clinical examination of cases is received and performed.

For registration (here)