King Khalid University


Over 12 Thousand Virtual Sessions in the Sixth Week

King Khalid University_ Media Center

The Deanship of E-Learning at King Khalid University counties to offer its electronic services. The Deanship’s statistics for the sixth week of the first semester of the 1442 academic year, showed 12264 virtual sessions and 12045 recorded virtual session.

The Dean of E-Learning Dr. Naif Jabali explained the Deanship offered a number of faculty members training courses which benefited 1710 people. They included a lecture introducing BlackBoard Ally and designing e-tests. The Deanship supervised three virtual lectures which benefited 433 people. They included a meeting on introducing female student rights and duties, International Teacher's Day Forum and a lecture on designing interactive activities. He pointed on the Deanship’s interest to offer educational courses on e-learning mechanisms for students.

The Deanship of E-Learning designed two infographics for faculty members, as a parts of its efforts in e-learning guidance. The videos on Tamkeen YouTube channel since the beginning to the first week reached 100,052 views, they were a total of 2754 hours.

It’s worth mentioning that the Deanship offered, during the sixth week, technical support services, 130 of them were through the phone, 225 through Whats App, 23 through the Deanship’s office,11 through the e-mail and 481 through live chat. 60% of these technical services were for faculty members the other 40% were for students.