King Khalid University


Appointment and Assignment Decisions

King Khaled University- Media Center

His Excellency King Khalid University Rector, Prof. Faleh bin Reja-Allah Al-Solami, issued a number of appointment and assignment decisions:

  • Appointment: Dr. Nasser bin Mansour Tairaan, Dean of Academic Development and Quality Deanship.
  • Assignment: Dr. Abdullah bin Mohammad Hattan, Vice Dean of Student Affairs at the University Branch in Tihama.
  • Extension: Dr. Abdulrahman bin Abdullah Al Musa, Vice Dean of Languages ​​and Translation for Development and Quality College.
  • Extension: Dr. Yasser bin Zayed Asiri, general supervisor of the Agreements and Partnerships Department at the University's Agency for Business and Knowledge Economy.
  • Extension: Dr. Noura bint Hussein Al-Qahtani, supervisor of Graduate Association Unit.
  • Extension: Dr. Khadija Bint Al-Hussein Al-Hafizi, supervisor of the Arabic Language and Literature Deparment at the College of Human Sciences, Female Section.
  • Extension: Dr. Saleh bin Saeed Al-Arfaji, head of Chemistry Department at the College of Science.
  • Extension: Dr. Ahmed bin Ali Chauhan, head of the architecture and planning department at the College of Engineering.
  • Assignment: Dr. Fahd bin Mohammad Al-Qahtani, consultant at the Deanship of Community Service and Continuing Education at the University Branch in Tihama.

Al-Solami congratulated the appointees and assignees, wishing them success, and askkng everyone to redouble their efforts.