King Khalid University


University President Commend's the Role of Teachers

King Khalid University_ Media Center

His Excellency the University President Prof. Falleh bin Raja Allah Al-Sulami, supervised the online Teachers Day celebration. The celebration was organized by the Collage of Education in collaboration with the Saudi Scientific Association for Teachers (SSAT) on Monday. It was entitled “Teachers: leadership in times of crisis and envisioning the future” a number of teachers participated in it.

His Excellency welcomed the teachers and participants, at the beginning of the celebration. He praised the efforts of members of education sector, especially under these circumstances. He confirmed the Kingdom made qualitative leaps in e-learning, due to the infrastructures. That made it the center of the world's attention, to benefit from its success.

Al-Sulami stressed during his speech that online learning in the Kingdom achieved a strategic shift which can be activated and used in the future. He pointed the success of this phase is a result to the teachers efforts. He also stressed on the families’ role which lead to the success of the education process. Al-Sulami thanked the Collage of Education for their active constructive efforts, he also thanked the Saudi Scientific Association for Teachers (SSAT) for supporting teachers.

The Dean of the Collage of Education Prof. Thabet Al Kahlan, welcomed the participants and attendees. He pointed the world celebrate teacher on October the fifth, to shed light on their role. He confirmed the Kingdom is among the countries that pay spacial attention to education. The rational solutions taken during COVID-19 is a clear evidence of such attention. These solutions included a special system for universities which now has over 1.2 million users, 7600virtual lectures and give options for learning. They are namely: television, YouTube, portals, “Future Gate” website and the unified database which serves more than 6 million students in public schools. He expressed his gratitude to his excellency the University President for supporting this celebration, he also thanked all the committees from inside the University and out, and everyone who participated in its success.

The celebration included a speech on behalf of the teachers which was delivered by Mr. Abdullah Al-Shehri. He praised in his speech the Kingdom’s efforts in education during this pandemic. He confirmed online learning made qualitative leaps which contributed to proceeding the educational process in the Kingdom in a distinctive way. He thanked King Khalid University represented in the Collage of Education and the Saudi Scientific Association for Teachers (SSAT) for supporting teachers and offering whichever develop them.

The celebration was concluded with a scientific lecture entitled “Teachers and Renewable Roles", delivered by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of (SSAT) Association, Prof. Abdullah bin Ali Al Kassi. In addition to a paper presented by the Dean of e-learning Dr. Naif Jabali.