King Khalid University


Center for Assessment and Evaluation Champions Data Driven Decision Making

King Khalid University - Media Center

To achieve the Ministry of Education directions to evaluate educational outcomes, and to meet the need to develop assessment and evaluation centers in higher educational institutions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on both student achievement levels and the evaluation of curriculums and course levels, King Khalid University established the Center for Assessment and Evaluation after decision number 35346 issued by His Majesty on 22/9/1438 AH. The decision was also based on the memorandum of the General Secretariat of higher Education Council No. 35/73/1434 on the establishment of the Center for Assessment and Evaluation at King Khalid University, which was implemented as a result of the recommendation No. 37-3-2/38, issued by the third dean' Advisory Committee on 3/29/1438 AH.

The Importance of the Center:

Center for Assessment and Evaluation Director, Dr. Saeed bin Muhammad Al-Moaidh, noted that the center had received considerable attention from His Excellency, King Khalid University Rector Prof. Falleh Al-Solamy who believes in the importance of the center and its role in assisting and evaluating operation and education. Director Al-Moaidh also thanked Vice Rector for Academic Development & Quality, Prof. Merzin Al-Shahrani, for his leading role in the achievement and success of the center.

Important Points:

Thevision of the Center for Assessment and Evaluation is to excel and lead in the field of assessment and evaluation at a local and regional level. The center's mission revolves around the application of best practices in the field of assessment and evaluation through a scientific quality methodology that implements honesty, commitment, responsibility, innovation, transparency, and cooperation to achieve several goals, the most prominent of which are:

  • Spreading the culture of assessment and evaluation in the university and the local community;
  • Supporting decision-making based on accurate, documented digital data and statistics;
  • Activating and following up the evaluation processes at the faculty level;
  • Contribute to improving and developing evaluation methods;
  • Ensuring the integrity of the procedures for applying performance evaluation tools;
  • Predicting weaknesses and strengths in the educational process;
  • Interpreting data and information and providing feedback to faculty members in colleges;
  • Application of distinguished international, Arab and national practices in the field of university assessment and evaluation;
  • Study the extent to which programs achieve the requirements of the labor market and develop development plans;
  • Professional development for faculty members in the fields of university measurement and evaluation.

The Centers Goals:

The Center for Assessment and Evaluation is affiliated with the university's Quality and Development Agency and aims to develop academic performance and enhance learning outcomes, as well as offering quality education and the necessary information for decision-makers to implement the necessary development programs, achieve quality standards at the university and also evaluate its role in serving the society.

Role and Importance of the Center:

The center highlights the importance of following and evaluating outcomes to assure that investing in programs leads to achieving desired goals in accord with Vision 2030.

The Center's Relation with Colleges

In the context of the Center for Assessment and Evaluation's endeavor to modernize the assessment and evaluation system at King Khalid University. The center has established assessment and evaluation units at all university colleges to work on activating and implementing the center's tasks based on a clear vision. The center also focuses on introducing the skills and information to provide faculty members in the colleges with more knowledge and skills related to assessment and evaluation that allows them to implement the requirements of achievement and electronic tests, build question banks and keep them updated with the latest developments in the field, as well as contributing to coping with the events in the field of educational assessment and the methods to achieving fairness in education.

Enabling Units

Director Al-Moaidh confirms that the center also seeks to enable college units to play their role in serving and developing performance tests and examinations.

Most Prominent Tasks

The Center for Assessment and Evaluation serves to harmonize assessment and evaluation methods with educational outcomes. As a result, plans are in place to issue an electronic magazine detailing the technical means in automating the assessment and evaluation system through the establishment of question banks, automatic test correction services, and statistical analysis. Running parallel with that goal is the initiative to publish the latest research and results of studies in the field of assessment and evaluation.

Promoting the Culture of Assessment and Evaluation

The center's tasks include providing feedback on performance, consultations, and possible proposals to develop performance. Plans are in place to provide electronic training workshops via a synchronization platform in the areas of assessment and evaluation, issue bulletins to introduce the culture of assessment and assessment, design standardized questionnaires to evaluate academic performance at the university, evaluate general satisfaction, and build quarterly and final achievement tests.

Center's Achievements

As for the achievements, one of the most prominent so far is the development of an implementation plan in accordance with the university's strategic plan. The center also developed several electronic services by updating the center's website and the center's social media platforms, as well as planning and working on implementing the comprehensive electronic system for assessment and evaluation at the university as a result of the creating an electronic question bank initiative.

Another prominent achievement is the center's analytical study of absenteeism rates at the beginning of each semester by studying the reasons and proposing solutions and statistical analysis of the results of the achievement tests, as the center designed three standard models for all colleges to analyze results (the faculty member model, the course coordinator form, the supervisor's model for the assessment and evaluation unit), in addition to an evaluation survey of the achievement test questions for the faculties of the university.

Models and Plans

The center's achievements also include building, designing and approving a unified course plan template (Course Syllabus) in Arabic and English for each semester, designing questionnaires on various topics and activities and sending them to the target groups and analyzing them, as well as providing and updating modern electronic forms on the center's website in the fields of assessment and evaluation. It also has offered support to students expected to graduate through designing and implementing a standard examination project exit exam while also exchanging visits with institutions concerned with assessment and evaluation such as the National Center for Assessment and Evaluation and recruiting faculty members specializing in the field of the evaluation and evaluation to activate the center's units. In addition to supporting the National Center for Assessment and Evaluation in organizing meetings with faculty members in colleges to spread the culture of assessment and evaluation and carrying out field visits to measurement units.

Training Courses

The center also implements many training courses and workshops after determining the training needs of faculty members, which included:

  • A course on building and developing achievement tests;
  • A workshop on building and developing question banks;
  • A workshop on building courses according to assessment and evaluation standards;
  • A course on the modern trends of assessment and evaluation;
  • A course on the applications of assessment and evaluation in the academic field;
  • A course on the course plan in terms of content and methods of design and application;
  • A workshop on designing and applying forms for analysis of achievement tests;
  • A course on statistical programs and their applications in the academic field;
  • A workshop on evaluating academic programs;
  • Conducting electronic training sessions for forms related to the center, such as results analysis forms, use of SPSS, validity and reliability standards;
  • The importance of the specification table in measuring learning outcomes;
  • Analyzing the questionnaire and interpreting research results;
  • Statistical analysis using SPSS;
  • Analyzing data using SPSS for graduate students at the university;
  • Measuring the learning outcomes of the random block;
  • Measuring learning outcomes for electronic tests using the SPSS program.