King Khalid University


University Rector Issues Appointment Decisions

King Khalid University Media and Communications

His Excellency King Khalid University Rector, Prof. Falleh Al Solamy, issued a number of administrative appointments and recruitment decisions in August 2020. He congratulated the recently assigned, wishing them all the best.

University Spokesperson Dr. Mufleh Al-Qahtani explained that the faculty member decisions included:

  • Extension: Dr. Ahmed Atef Al-Shehri, Tehama Campus General Supervisor;
  • Extension: Prof. Thabet Saeed Al-Kahlan, Dean of the College of Education;
  • Appointment: Dr. Mesfer Ahmad A-Wadie, Dean of the College of Science and Arts at Dhahran Al-Janoub;
  • Extension: Dr. Fawzia Ali El-Gheris, Dean of the College of Home Economics;
  • Extension: Dr. Mohammed Alsaqer, Chief Information Officer;
  • Extension: Dr. Ibrahim Mushabab Al-Asmari, General Supervisor of the General Administration of Investment;
  • Appointment: Dr. Samia Hassan Hakami, Supervisor of the University Center for Female Student Studies at the King Abdullah Road Campus;
  • Appointment: Dr. Noura Yahya Al-Faifi, Supervisor the University Center for the Study of Female Students at Al-Samir;
  • Appointment: Dr. Dulah Muhammad Asiri, Vice Dean of the College of Sharia and Fundamentals of Religion, Female Section;
  • Appointment: Dr. Noha Saad Al-Ghamdi, Vice Dean of the College of Dentistry, Female Section;
  • Extension: Dr. Sultan Muhammad Al-Shahrani, Vice Dean for Academic Development & Quality at the College of Pharmacy;
  • Appointment: Dr. Mutab Moujib Al-Qahtani, Vice Dean of Academic Affairs at the College of Science;
  • Appointment: Dr. Badria Muhammad Al-Shahrani, Vice Dean of the College of Science, Female Section;
  • Appointment: Dr. Areej Ibrahim Al-Ansari, Vice Dean of the College of Science and Arts at Sarat Abidah, Female Section;
  • Extension: Dr. Muhammad Jasser Al-Shehri, Vice Dean for Academic Development & Quality at the College of Business;
  • Extension: Dr. Ismail Mohamed Bin Jaleh, Vice Dean for Academic Development & Quality at the College of Medicine;
  • Appointment: Dr. Munassir Alhamami, Chairman at the Faculty of Languages ​​and Translation, Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research;
  • Extension: Dr. Majed Abdullah Al-Subaih, Vice Dean of Academic Affairs at the College of Engineering;
  • Extension: Dr. Khaled Moaid Al-Kassi, Vice Dean of the College of Sharia and Fundamentals of Religion;
  • Extension: Dr. Ali Musa Faqihi, Vice Dean of Academic Affairs at the College of Sharia and Fundamentals of Religion;
  • Appointment: Dr. Albandari Muhammad Al-Mahri, Vice Dean of the College of Arts and Science at Dhahran Al-Janoub, Female Section;
  • Appointment: Shadia Hammoud Al-Shahrani, Vice Dean of the College of Nursing in Khamis Mushait, Female Section;
  • Appointment: Dr. Ola Ali Al-Hagan, Vice Dean of the College of Engineering, Female Section;
  • Appointment: Dr. Sarah Ali Al-Shehri, Vice Dean of the College of Medicine, Female Section;
  • Appointment: Dr. Amani Hamad Al-Hazmi, Vice Dean of the College of Applied Medical Sciences at Khamis Mushait, Female Section;
  • Appointment: Dr. Hanan Muhammad Al-Hayda, Vice Dean of the College of Education, Female Section;
  • Appointment: Dr. Rahma Ahmed Al-Ahmed, Vice Dean of the College of Arts and Science at Mohayil, Female Section;
  • Appointment: Dr. Ahmed Ali bin Dajam, Consultant at the Institute for Research and Consulting Studies;
  • Extension: Dr. Shara Ali Al-Dalmani, Supervisor of the Department of Chemistry, College of Science, Female Section;
  • Extension: Dr. Basma Fahad Al-Shahrani, Supervisor of the Special Education Department at the College of Education, Female Section;
  • Extension: Dr. Aisha Abdullah Al-Duraimi, Supervisor of the Mathematics Department at the College of Science, Female Section;
  • Extension: Dr. Fatima Yahya Al-Qadimi, Supervisor of the Department of Psychology, College of Education, Female Section;
  • Extension: Dr. Badriya Saad Abu Hasel, Supervisor of the Department of Curricula and Teaching Methods at the College of Education, Female Section;
  • Extension: Dr. Ayed Abdullah Al-Moaid, Head of the Psychology Department at the College of Education;
  • Extension: Dr. Mansour Abdullah Al-Ghamdi, Head of the Anatomy Department, College of Medicine;
  • Appointment: Dr. Sahar Yahya Al-Mousa, Academic Development & Quality Unit Supervisor at the College of Education, Female Section;
  • Appointment: Dr. Ibrahim Ahmed Al-Farhan, Head of the Department of Curricula and Teaching Methods at the College of Education;
  • Appointment: Dr. Fatima Jaber Al-Mishari, Supervisor of the Islamic Studies Department at the College of Arts and Science at Mohayil Female Section.

Congratulations to all of our colleagues who have achieved extensions or new appointments. His Excellency Rector Al-Solamy wished those granted extensions continued success in their endeavors. He also explained that we are looking forward to benefitting from the talents and efforts of the new appointees.