King Khalid University


Nearly 30K Students Enroll in Summer Semester Conducted Online

King Khalid University - Media Center

King Khalid University continues to offer its summer semester remotely to 29,589 students in various specializations, offering 653 courses presented by 594 faculty members in 1678 online classes.

Dean of E-Learning, Dr. Fahad Al-Ahmari, explained that in the light of the standards of the learning management system and virtual classes during the second week of the summer semester 1441 AH (15-19 Shawwal), there were 99,401 user, 74,113 evaluations, 6,605 discussion board posts, 3,320 viewed files, 3,181 virtual classes, and 82,138 participants.

On the technical support side, Dean Al-Ahmari said that 253 support enquires were received since the beginning of the summer semester. In addition, the Deanship held a workshop on building electronic content on Blackboard for faculty members that was attended by 582 faculty members.

It's worth noting that the Deanship's channel "Tamkeen" also continues its efforts to provide educational services, as the number of videos since the beginning of the summer semester reached 275, and the channel achieved 4,578 views in 135 hours and the number of interactions reached 40,437.