King Khalid University


The University Stresses the Importance of Providing Accurate Information

King Khalid University - Media Center

The Emirate of Asir issued a statement regarding the investigation directed by His Highness, the Governor of the Asir region, Prince Turki bin Talal bin Abdulaziz, on the issue related to the student who gave inaccurate information in a public meeting. She claimed she was forbidden from being a lecturer although she graduated with honors. The investigation concluded that the decisions made by Vice Rector for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Prof. Saad Al-Amri, and Dean of Graduate Studies, Dr. Ahmed Al-Fayea, were objective. The candidate's request for an academic position was processed according to the rules and regulations organizing the admission to postgraduate studies and application for academic positions. The statement included an appreciation of the professors' noble reaction when they waived the legal claim against that student. They decided to treat this issue in a purely academic manner in appreciation for her condition and in adherence to the established educational principles.

In light of this, the University stressed that all the academic and administrative procedures are governed by regulations that the University ensures to implement in a transparent, objective, and accurate manner. It also confirms it welcomes any complaints, suggestions, and notes with an open heart. It pointed out that all the means of communication are available to all, however, investigating the integrity and providing accurate information must be considered.