King Khalid University


Energy Conservation Initiative Yields Substantial Results

King Khalid University - Media Center

Supervised by His Excellency, King Khalid University Rector Prof. Falleh Al-Solamy, the initiative entitled "The Energy We Don't Need Today Shall Be of Use Tomorrow" has yielded noteworthy results. The initiative served to reduce campus-wide energy consumption and facilitate energy reduction efforts with the support of His Royal Highness, Prince Turki bin Talal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. Rector Al-Solamy praised the results of the initiative and the tutelage of HRH Prince Turki.

Rector Al-Solamy stressed that the university interacted with the project by promoting the optimal energy efficiency of control systems, heat recovery systems, and lighting systems, which notably decreased power consumption by 35% alongside a noteworthy reduction in water utilization.

Rector Al-Solamy related that the university is working to consolidate this higher national and cultural value of rationalization and preservation of resources, adding that the subject of this project will be the focus of many scientific papers, workshops, lectures, and awareness campaigns. He also noted that some graduation projects will be allocated in the summer semester to serve the goals of this project.