King Khalid University


University Conducts Thesis and Research Writing Workshops

King Khalid University - Media Center

The Deanship of Graduate Studies launched a training workshop entitled "Common Mistakes in Writing Scientific Theses" presented by Prof. Muhammad bin Yahya Abu Melha, Professor of Literature and Criticism at the College of Humanities. The workshop aimed to identify common mistakes in writing graduate and doctorate level theses such as—errors in selecting the research subject and in the formulation of the title and errors in the body of research.

The Deanship of Scientific Research launched another workshop entitled "Principles for Preparing Research Papers and Publishing" presented by Associate Professor at the Mathematics Department and the Vice Dean of Scientific Research, Dr. Zahbah Al-Raiza. The workshop delved into the scientific basis for writing scientific research from idea to publication.

These courses come within the training programs the university offered through the "Mobaderoon" program, which serves university students, employees, and the public.