King Khalid University


Media and Communication Administration Hosts Foreign Affairs Deputy Minister Saud Kateb

King Khalid University - Media Center

His Excellency, King Khalid University Rector Prof. Falleh Al-Solamy, sponsored an online meeting on Sunday evening entitled "Public Diplomacy Bets in facing the Corona Crisis: America and China as a Model", presented by His Excellency Dr. Saud Kateb, Minster Foreign Affairs Deputy Minister. Dr. Kateb is also the deputy minister for public diplomacy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and has experience in many fields and sectors. He was the spokesperson and foreign media relations managing director at the Ministry of Culture and Information for three years between 2013 and 2016. The meeting is part of the Mobaderoon initiative, which was recently launched by the Media and Communication Administration.

His Excellency Rector Al-Solamy welcomed His Excellency Minster Saud Kateb at the start of the meeting, stressing that the meeting is part of King Khalid University's commitment to raising cultural and social awareness through capacity building programs, workshops, training, and partnerships.

The meeting was moderated by Media and Communication Administration Assistant Supervisor, Sarah Jaber Al-Solamy, who led participants through a number of topics related to the basic concepts and a historical overview of public diplomacy, propaganda, solid power, women and digital diplomacy. COVID-19 and the basic tasks of diplomacy during crises and the crisis management of COVID-19 public diplomacy engendered much interest. During the meeting, His Excellency Minister Kateb stressed that Vision 2030 will guide aspirations towards an unprecedented new phase of development in which the enormous potential of women will come to light and also a where a vibrant society is created with a strong anchor in culture, arts, and a thriving economy.

General Supervisor of the Media and Communication Administration, University Spokesperson, Dr. Mufleh Al-Qahtani, stressed that this meeting is part of a series of meetings and programs organized by the administration to shed light on a number of important topics that align with the current situation and its various implications.

Dr. Abdullah Al-Assaf, professor of political media at Al-Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, emphasized the importance of harnessing Saudi cinema and cultural soft power to strengthen the Kingdom's presence internationally.

On his part political analyst and academic at Al-Faisal University, Dr. Khaled Batarfi, emphasized the importance of qualifying a new generation of analysts and those concerned with Saudi affairs, stressing that we have great media capabilities that should be leveraged through training and guidance.