King Khalid University


University Delivers Vital COVID-19 Medical Equipment to Points of Need

King Khalid University - Media Center

Members of the College of Engineering's initiative "Manufacturing Medical Equipment and Spare Parts to Protect Against COVID-19" produced the first batch of medical equipment, which boasted 1,200 pieces in nearly 400 packages.

The team’s leader Dr. Ahmad Ali bin Dejum explained that the first manufactured batch included more than four jams for three designs by using 3D printers and four hundred controllers that are able to interface with most doors, drawers, and lights. Dr. Dejum added that there has been coordination with a number of entities in addition to the Asir Municipality to deliver equipment to the COVID-19 Crisis Management Operation Room. The Team will begin manufacturing some spare parts and parts of respiratory systems, as well as equipment for the nose swab test in the upcoming days.

Dr. Dejum on behalf of the team expressed their gratitude to Asir Gov. Prince Turki bin Talal bin Abdulaziz for his leadership and directions to facilitate their work. He also thanked King Khalid University Rector, Prof. Falleh Al-Solamy for his continuous support.