King Khalid University


Online Information Security Training Organized by Cybersecurity Administration

King Khalid University - Media Center

The General Administration of Cyber Security at King Khalid University, represented by Administration of Governance Awareness, organized an online seminar webinar entitled "Cyber Security in KSA: Visions, Future, and Challenges" with the participation of renowned information security professionals. The seminar will launch under the CyberSavvy program with an aim to raise the societal awareness of information security science.

Director of the Administration of Governance Awareness, Firas Shehbi, explained that the seminar will highlight cutting-edge research, innovative projects in academia, and labor market challenges in cybersecurity. The seminar will host Head of the National Center for Information Security at King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, Dr. Basel Alamir, Dr. Waleed Al-Rodhan, Dean of Al-Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University College of Computer Sciences and Information, and General Manager of Digital Technology at STC Academy, Dr. Moudhi Al-Jamea.

The seminar will focus on recent trends in Saudi universities to establish specialized programs in information security, information security research trends, the impact of the online learning on the need to raise awareness of cybersecurity for non-specialists, the need to develop graduates students in accord with labor market needs, and how to enhance the presence of women in the information security field.

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