King Khalid University


Eighth University Council Meeting Held Online

King Khalid University - Media Center

On 2 April 2020, His Excellency Rector Al-Solamy chaired the 8th meeting of the university council online in line with national social distancing measures. The meeting included the participation of University Affairs Secretary-General Council, Dr. Muhammad Abdulaziz Al-Saleh, and all members of the council.

Opening with praise to Allah, and Allah's Peace and Blessings upon His Final Messenger, His Excellency Rector Al-Solamy began the meeting. Following after, Vice Rector of Graduate Studies, Prof. Saad Alamri, reviewed the topics on the council agenda and the recommendations put forth as follows:

  • Approving the regulations for granting academic honors in the university;
  • Approving the final accounts of Research and Consulting Studies and the University Student Fund for the 2019-20 fiscal year;
  • Restructuring the university's research centers in alignment with modern research trends;
  • Accepting donations to support several student programs at the university;
  • Approving the numbers of student admission numbers for the upcoming year;
  • Approving 7 graduate programs.

Of noteworthy mention, the Scientific Council held its 15th meeting on 31 March 2020 online.