King Khalid University


Deanship of E-Learning Offers KKUx Training Course on Vision 2030

King Khalid University - Media Center

The Deanship of E-Learning implemented a training course on the university's KKUx platform for designing initiatives supporting Vision 2030. KSA Vision 2030 Realization Office Director, Dr. Ali Alamir, conducted the training course for more than 200 male and female trainees.

The purpose of the course is to explain the concepts of Vision 2030 and its associated strategic goals. Dr. Alamir also reviewed many of the executive programs that arise from and support the various major initiatives under Vision 2030, which is the cornerstone of national development and economic growth plans for the Kingdom across all sectors.

Dr. Alamir provided detailed explanations as to the importance of initiative program design and the proper procedures for implementation and evaluation of each effort. In essence, each major effort is broken down into design modules and sub-modules, which makes it much easier to create and design large-scale projects.

This course is a part of a series of intensive training courses offered by the Deanship of E-Learning on the KKUx platform.