King Khalid University


University Co-Hosts 'How to Establish Your Project Successfully' Course With Shell Oil Company

King Khalid University - Media Center

The training unit of the university's College of Engineering conducted the ' How to establish your project successfully' course in cooperation with Shell Oil Company. For 3 days, dozens of trainees learned the ins and out of market analyses, marketing plans, operational plans, financial plans, and feasibility studies.

Dean of the College of Engineering, Dr. Mohammed Al-Misfer, said, "The aim of the training program is to give the trainees the ability to use creativity in applied strategizing solutions to society's biggest problems concerning energy and the environment. These skills are important in developing the next generation of leaders and technicians." He noted that this course represents the second in a series of courses to be completed this semester. He provided details of the next course entitled "Entrepreneurship Project Management", which will last for 5 days beginning on the 13th of Rajab this month.