King Khalid University


Under the Patronage of the Minister of Education

King Khalid University - Media Center

Rector Al-Solamy Inaugurates Teacher Development Requirements and Future Ambition Conference

Under the patronage of Minister of Education, His Excellency Dr. Hamad Al-Sheikh, His Excellency, King Khalid University Rector Prof. Falleh Al-Solamy, inaugurated the Teacher Development Requirements and Future Ambition Conference this Wednesday. The conference was organized by the Saudi Scientific Association for Teachers (GSM) for two days at Abha Palace Hotel.

Rector Al-Solamy welcomed all in attendance and appreciated the patronage of His Excellency, the Minister of Education, for his tutelage. He also stressed the importance of the vital role teachers hold in developing the youth, noting that education is the cornerstone of our communities and our country. He explained that our success is driven by the considerable support given to the education sector by our visionary leadership.

Rector Al-Solamy: The university looks forward to meeting the growth requirements and to benefit from local and international experiences.

Rector Al-Solamy stressed that the university contributes, like other national institutions, to the growth of education in Saudi Arabia in accord with Vision 2030. He noted that the university looks forward to achieving the growth requirements necessary to prepare future teachers while benefiting from successful local and international experiences. He added that the conference includes scientific papers as well as various workshops presented by highly qualified trainers. He expressed his gratitude to all coordinators and participants of this event.

Chairman of the Conference Scientific Committee, Dr. Abdullah Al-Kasi, welcomed His Excellency Rector Al-Solamy, the speakers, the participants and the attendees, highlighting that the committee received more than 233 scientific papers. 61 papers were approved, of which 27 were posters that will be displayed in various sessions. He noted that the conference program includes 3 seminars presented by 9 international experts and 8 workshops for trainers and academics. At the end of his speech, he mentioned that participant registration in workshops exceeded 1,500.

Dr. Abdulatif Al-Arini, Taiba University, delivered a speech on behalf of the participants. He expressed his gratitude to King Khalid University and GSM for organizing the conference and related that the cornerstone of the conference rests upon the continuous growth of teachers leading to higher performance.

At the end of the conference, His Excellency Rector Al-Solamy honoured the speakers of sessions and workshops, trainers, the Scientific Committee, and the GSM Board.