King Khalid University

Khalid Ahmad Aljafali
Businessman, and Head of the Ibrahim Al-Jafali and his brothers company, the biggest private-sector owned company in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in addition to a number of major companies, including the Arab Metal Industries Company, Saudi Ericsson Company, (Foras) Mining Company, International Healthcare and Life Sciences Holding Company, and Rawafed Arabia Investment Company. As well as various leading companies in the kingdom and abroad. Mr. Khalid is also a member of the administrative council for a number of companies in the kingdom, including the Arabian Electrical Equipment Company, Siemens Healthcare, Ascosa Industries & Maintenance Co. Ltd., Jeddah Holding Company for Development and many other companies. He is also the president and a member in a number of councils, associations, and institutions, including being the president of the Saudi-German business council, and a member in the Saudi-American business council. He is also a member of the administrative council of the central saudi bank (SAMA), a member of the Board of Trustees of the King Salman Center for Disability Research, a member of the 1001 World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), founder of the Shifa Charitable Fund (in collaboration with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), and other boards and associations in the government, private and non-profit sectors.