King Khalid University


10th Annual Sceitific Research Day


Under the auspices of

KKU President, Prof. Abdul Rahman bin Hamad Al-Dawood,

the Deanship of Scientific Research is organizing

the 10th Annual Scientific Research Day

on Monday and Tuesday, 06-07 /07/1435 AH (05-06 /05/ 2014 AD).

For males, it will be held on the main campus (Quraiqer) at auditoriums number 5, 6, 7, and 8.

For females, it will be held at the theater for females colleges in Assamir.

Registration: 07.30 – 08.30 am

Session: 08.30 am –03.00 pm

Lunch (University Restaurant): 0300 – 03.30 pm

For more details about activities click on one of these links: