King Khalid University


Admission and Registration Deanship launches automatic scheduling of final tests


The Admission and Registration Deanship launched a new service aimed at colleges and students (males and females) organizing a list of e-services provided by the Deanship, this semester. It involves electronic scheduling for final tests for courses at the university. The first stage of the service was applied to 6 campuses including the main male campus in Quraiqer, and the main female campus in King Abdullah Street. These two main campuses are considered the largest campuses with regard to number of students. The service has been scheduled for the final tests for more than 25 000 students sitting for more than 1 500 courses. For the first time, male and female students are included from various Degrees (regularity, enrollment, supplementary regularity, and second term regularity) in the same period, where it was previously impossible to do so due to the large number of students and the difficulties related to manual scheduling.

Admission and Registration Dean Dr. Saad bin Du'ajim, stated that the Deanship offered this service, which shows the belief of the Deanship in the importance of the transition to e- work in the university and to save colleges time and effort with the manual scheduling process, allowing them to focus on the educational process instead. He added that the advantages of this service are the speed of achievement compared to manual work, and the impossibility of conflict between test periods, taking into account not taking two tests on the same day, as well as a break of at least one day between test days, where possible, for students . After the outstanding results achieved by the service and the high level of satisfaction among the colleges, HE, the Dean, mentioned that in the next stage, automatic scheduling will be applied to all university colleges after the approval of the authorities on the various campuses, as well as adding automatic schedules for halls and proctors.

The Deanship of Admission and Registration wishes everybody success.