King Khalid University
Registration and confirmation instructions for Chemistry Conference for KKU employees
The organizing committee for 5th International Chemistry Conference announced Registration and Confirmation instructions for the 5th Chemistry Conference for KKU employees on the conference website.
Registration and confirmation instructions for Chemistry Conference for KKU employees:
-Registering participants on conference website:
(1) Visit registration confirmation office
(2) If you have not paid the registration fee or have edited the receipt, visit the fees office
(3) Visit KKU employees registration office to collect badge, delegate bag, paying attention to the following:
- • First and last name
- • Membership card to the Saudi Chemistry Society (SCS)
- • Student ID, whether from Saudi universities or not
- • Confirm the conference fee has been paid
- • KKU ID
-Participants who are registered on the conference website:
(1) Visit the fees office and obtain a receipt
(2) Visit KKU employee registration office to collect badge, delegate bag, paying attention to the following:
• First name and last name
• Membership card to of the Saudi Chemistry Society (SCS)
• Student ID, whether either they are from Saudi universities or not
• Recept confirming the amount of money paid for the conference
► Note: For those who register after 31.03.2014, the conference bag will be supplied according to availability.

- All KKU employees are obliged to pay the fees with the exception of researchers who are presenting a scientific paper.
- Conference Headquarters opens its doors for the registration process and confirmation of participant’s data from Saturday, 26/04/2014 at 2:00 pm to Tuesday, 29/04/2014 at 12:00 pm. Registration fees will be accepted in cash only (Currencies accepted: SAR, USD, Euro).
Terms and Conditions:
→ The conference registration fee is not refundable.
With best wishes - Registration and Headquarters Committee