King Khalid University


KKU implements mechanism and dates of Developed Admission


KKU implements mechanism and dates of Developed Admission for coming academic year

The Deanship of Admission and Registration at King Khalid University announced its admission plan via the Saudi Post Express Mail Service (EMS) for the Academic Year 1435-36 AH. It consists of three stages:

The Deanship set the beginning of University Applications via Electronic Portal Registration from 15\06 to 22/08/1435 AH. Dr. Saad bin Du'ajim explained that students must upload a recent photo (jpg, color, 4 × 6 cm, white background, face only) electronically. He added the candidacy for the admission for students will go through three stages: The First Stage includes sending text messages to the first group of students with an 80% rate and above from 23/08 to 26/08/1435 AH for those applying for Bachelor Programs. The Second Stage, which includes students with a rate of between 75% and 79.99%, starts on Tuesday 04/0/9/1435 AH. The Last Stage starts on 11/09/1435 AH and includes students with rate of 75% and less for the Bachelor programs and Community Colleges Diploma Programs.

He also pointed out that the candidacy stage of admission includes 5 steps: Students receive a text message stating their candidacy for admission and the importance of sending the required documents within 48 hours, and logging in to the candidacy and admission results service to confirm the details of his/her candidacy, send the required documents, and print the forms and fill in their preferences and pledge to post them via Saudi Post (EMS), in addition to signing the forms.

He reported that within 8 days of receiving the documents from Saudi Post, a text message will be sent to the applicant stating: final admission to the university, and giving him/her an academic number, and their faculty based on first preferences as entered through the portal. These steps happen after verification of eligibility of seats, departments and colleges.

On the retrieval of files, Dr Saad said the files will be retrieved for all stages before 15/10/1435 AH, mentioning students cannot contact the university in this regard.

For more information and please visit the Admission Guide.