King Khalid University
Early registration dates for summer semester 1434/1435 AH

Deanship of Admission and Registration at King Khalid University is pleased to announce the start of early registration for the summer semester in the academic year 1434-1435 AH for students from their main campuses or other university branches. Admission and Registration starts from Tuesday 8\6\1435 and continues to Tuesday 15\6\1435 AH.
Please follow these steps to register:
- Go to the student page from ( Registration )
- ( It is better) if you first view the offered courses at different university campuses by accessing the service " visitor students outside his\her normal or summer campus semester ) on the student's main page.
- In the case, of a student wanting to register in a course inside his\her campus, he\she should access the service " delete and add " on the main page and then add these offered courses in the relevant campus.
- In the case of a student wanting to register in a course outside his\her campus, he\she should access the service " visitor student outside his\her normal campus or summer semester " on the main page and then add these offered courses in the campus he\she chooses.
- Students can't register at more than one campus.
- Students can't apologize for courses or semesters after registration except if Deanship college accepts their convincing excuses and then sends them to the Deanship of Admission and Registration to implement the excuse.
- Registration for the summer semester includes university students ( regularity- second semester regularity- integrative regularity )
The Deanship of Admission and Registration wishes everyone success.