King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


Complementary Bachelor Degrees Admission


The Deanship of Admissions and Registration at King Khalid University is pleased to announce the application requirements for the complementary undergraduate degree. This announcement is applicable to graduates of community colleges for the second semester.

Application Date:

27/4/1441 AH to 12/5/1441 AH

Application Procedures:

  • Access the Academia e-portal by clicking here.
  • Choose admission.
  • Choose (completing a bachelor's degree for diploma graduates).

Application Conditions:

  • The applicant must be a graduate of the Community College at King Khalid University.
  • The student is not entitled to take the written examination more than twice.
  • The diploma students who wish to get a complementary bachelor degree can take the differentiation test at the relevant college for a maximum of two times after graduation.

The minimum percentage for passing the college differentiation test is (60%) and is calculated as follows:

  • (50%) of the test score prepared by the college;
  • (50%) of the GPA.

Admission will depend on the available seats according to the highest qualifying percentages between the applicants.

Please note that students who wish to continue their studies must submit an application through Academia e-portal, and the date of the examination will be determined later.