King Khalid University
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MyKKU Services


The 3rd Forum of the Faculty of Science and Arts in Khamis Mushait


Receiving the applications (abstracts) for the 3rd Forum of the Faculty of Science is extended up to Thursday 23/01/2020 AD (28/05/1441 AH).

In cooperation with the Faculty of Languages and Translation, the Faculty of Science and Arts in Khamis Mushait invites you to participate in the Third Scientific Forum titled 'Translation: The Intercultural Communication'. The forum will be held at the King Abdullah Road Campus theater on February 26, 2020.

The deadline for submitting abstracts (for research) and perceptions (for those with experiences and initiatives) with CVs is December 11, 2019. The deadline for submission of full papers and the description of the initiative is December 19, 2019.

For more details, please click here.