King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


Summer Training Programs for Education Employees


King Khalid University, represented by the College of Education, is pleased to announce the enrollment period for summer training programs tailored to employees of public education. The training was rolled-out under the partnership framework with the National Center for Vocational Education Development.

The program offers ten training courses during the period from 04/11/1440 AH to 29/11/1440 AH.

The training location for men will be at the College of Education (main campus), and the training location for women will be at the College of Education for Women (King Abdullah Road).

Of noteworthy mention, King Khalid University is committed to fostering a culture of continuous development in the educational and scientific process by providing a stimulating and supportive environment for trainees to acquire the knowledge, skills, and abilities in pursuit of excellence.

You can register and view the program details by clicking here.