King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


Community Service Deanship Workshops


Registration Dates for Workshops of Community Service Deanship

The Community Service and Continuous Education Deanship is pleased to announce the start of registration for a number of workshops that will be held during the month of Shawwāl for female students. Some of them are free of charge and the others are offered at a nominal fee. To know more about the workshops, please contact:


Cell: 050-889-7255.

The workshops offered include:

  • Using the Computer in the Office;
  • Adaptive Behavior for People with Special Needs;
  • Ethical and Systemic Practices in the Work Environment;
  • Development of Management and Entrepreneurship Skills;
  • English Language Proficiency Course for Kids Between 9-12 years old;
  • Making a Marketing Plan;
  • Modern Secretary and Management Skills.