King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


Admission Dates for Bachelor and Diploma


The Deanship of Admissions and Registration at King Khalid University is announcing that all applications for bachelor and diploma programs will be received through 'Academia' e-portal starting on 15/10/1440 AH and ending on 30/10/1440 H. The sorting and nomination process will be conducted in two main stages:

  1. Bachelor programs on 05/11/1440 AH;
  2. Remaining seat for bachelor programs and diploma degrees on 09/11/1440 AH.

Moreover, the Deanship is pleased to announce the beginning of admission to fee-based applied diplomas on 13/11/1440 AH.

It is essential to know the admission processes will be fully electronic. For questions, please contact the deanship through the 'Tawasul Service' on the admissions e-portal.

With great care, the Deanship urges prospective applicants to complete all the procedures of tests that are important for the admission process. Of noteworthy mention, no grade will be considered after the date of 30/10/1440 AH, and the marks of each stage and specialization will be announced on this date. The rest of the vacant seats will be offered to all applicants on 12/11/1440 AH through the 'Immediate Admission Service' and 'Change of Admission Service', which enable applicants who have been not accepted in the previous two stages or who wish to change their specialization to do so electronically pursuant to admission percentages and available seats.