King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


Supplementary Bachelor Announcement


Supplementary Bachelor Announcement for the 2nd semester of academic year 1439/40 AH

The Admissions and Registration Deanship is pleased to announce the commencement of admissions to the supplementary Bachelor for alumni who have parallel specializations in the community colleges of King Khalid University.

Application Mechanism:

Application Date:

It starts on 23/04/1440 AH and ends on to 26/04/1440 AH.

Application Conditions:

  • The applicant must be a King Khalid University graduate.
  • The applicant must be able to join for full-time study.
  • The applicant must complete at least 60% of the diploma study plan requirements.
  • To join the Information Systems and Computer Operation Programming specializations, the applicant's GPA must be 3.25/5 or above.
  • To join the Accounting and Business Administration specializations, the applicant's GPA must be 3/5 or above.
  • The applicant can enter the written exam only once.


  • The applicant needs to attend the written exams held by the College of Computer and College of Administrative and Financial Sciences.
  • Yearly, 10% of admission to supplementary bachelor programs will be dedicated to diploma graduates.
  • The differentiation between diploma applicants will be counted as 60% written exam + 40% GPA.