King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


Assigning 121 Lecturers in Various Scientific Specializations


His Excellency King Khalid University President, Prof. Falleh R.M. Al-Solamy, approved the University Council's resolution to assign 121 lecturers who have passed the teaching assistant job competition requirements for the 1439-40 AH academic year in various scientific specializations.

This round of employee re-classification is also endorsed by Vice Rector of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, and the Secretary of the University Council, Dr. Saad Al-Amry.

On this occasion, the university is congratulating the newly assigned lecturers and calling upon them to complete the requirements for promotion to lecturer as expeditiously as possible. Regarding this, they must contact the Deanship of Faculty and Staff Affairs in accord with the timetable below.

To view the timetable, (click here).

To view the promoted, (click here).