King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


Academic Vacancies at Tehama Campuses


King Khalid University is announcing the need to hire citizens for numerous academic vacancies held by non-citizens in the following colleges and specializations at the Tehama campuses for the 1440-41 AH academic year.

To view the academic vacancies, (click here).

General Conditions:

  • The applicant must be Saudi.
  • All applicants must have a Ph.D. as well as a rank from a Saudi university or another university which Saudi Arabia recognizes in the applicant's field of specialization.
  • The doctoral specialization must be continuous from both the BA and MA field of study (specialization).
  • The applicant must pass an interview and exams of the college(s) (if any).
  • The applicant must have obtained their degrees through regular study and residence in the country of study and not through affiliation or correspondence or distance education. If the applicant graduated from a university where the medium of instruction is not in English, he\she must bring documents that demonstrate his\her ability to teach in English.
  • When applying for the languages and health programs, the applicants must achieve at least 550 in the TOEFL Test or 6.5 in the IELTS Test.
  • When applying for other programs which are taught in English, the applicants must achieve at least 500 in the TOEFL test or 6 in the IELTS Test.

How to Apply:

Those who meet these conditions and desire to apply for the position should:

Go to the King Khalid University portal and complete the electronic form by clicking here. Electronic applications will start on Sunday 09/04/1440 AH and end on Saturday 15/04/1440 AH.

We wish all success.