King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


Fee-Based Applied Diplomas


The Deanship of Admission and Registration announces the start of fee-based applied diplomas for the academic year 1439-40 AH.

No.Program NameGenderHoursFeeLengthAccreditation
1Applied ProgrammingMen and Women34 9000 SROne yearUniversity and Civil Service
2Office ManagementMen and Women 34 9000 SROne yearUniversity and Civil Service
3Information Systems ProgrammingMen and Women349000 SROne yearUniversity and Civil Service
4Qira'at (recitations) BasicsMen and Women27 9000 SROne yearUniversity
5Human Resource ManagementMen and Women35 9000 SROne yearUniversity
6Public RelationsMen and Women31 9000 SROne yearUniversity
7E-MarketingMen and Women359000 SROne yearUniversity
8AccountingMen and Women309000 SROne yearUniversity
9Occupational Safety and HealthMen and Women36 9000 SROne yearUniversity
10Health ControllerMen and Women30 9000 SROne yearUniversity
11English LanguageMen and Women329000 SROne yearUniversity

Registration will begin on Sunday 29/12/1439 AH and end Thursday 3/1/1440 AH according to the following conditions:

  1. Possession of a secondary school certificate.
  2. Completion of the Information Systems course before applying to the Applied Programming course.
  3. National ID or Residency ID (Iqama).
  4. Timely submission of course fees -- 9000 SR -- into the Deanship's Bank Albilad Account No. SA6515000999121727240008
  5. Availability of seats in the program.
  6. The deposit should be registered under the applicant's name and ID.
  7. Submission of identification numbers related to the secondary school certificate.
  8. Courses will begin in the afternoons and end in the evenings (men: 04:00 pm to 08:00 pm/women: 02:00 pm to 6:00 pm)

Locations to submit bank deposit receipts and application files:

Men: Guraiger Campus, Building D, Deanship of Admission and Registration, Main Service Hall.

Women: Lasan Headquarters, Deanship of Admission and Registration (women), Main Service Hall.

For more information, please contact:

Men: Tel. 017-241-8855

Women: Tel. 017-241-4911