King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


2nd Stage of Teaching Assistant Job Vacancies


King Khalid University congratulates those who passed the first qualification round for teaching assistant job vacancies in the academic year 1439-40 AH.

Please note the test will be on Sunday 6/1/1440 AH from 09:00 am to 11:00 am in the locations shown in the links below.

To view the test locations, click here.

To view the test references, click here.


  • National ID verification is one of the test requirements.
  • The written test does not include the applicants for teaching assistant jobs in medicine and dentistry specializations. For these specializations, the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties Test will be considered, and applicants will be summoned at a date to be announced for interviews.

To check the status of your application, click here.