King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


Dates, Conditions, and Procedures for Admission and Registration


Dates, Conditions, and Procedures for Admission and Registration in the Academic Year 1438/39 AH

Admission Conditions:

  • The applicant must be a Saudi.
  • The applicant must have a National Identity (NI).
  • The applicant must not have been dismissed academically or disciplinarily from King Khalid University or any other Saudi university.
  • The secondary school cumulative grade point average of the applicant who wishes to apply for health colleges must be at least 90%. He/she also must be a graduate of the same year.
  • The applicant must not exceed more than five years from the day of his/her secondary school graduation.

Registration Time:

The applicant can apply for admission starting from 17/10/1439 AH up to 10/11/1439 AH.

Registration and Admission Procedures:

  • Go to registration and admission website (click here).
  • Confirm the national identity number.
  • Complete the information as clarified on the website.
  • Register the mobile number carefully because it will be the means of communication with you.
  • Select the specializations respective to your priorities.
  • The applicant's certificate data and tests of the national center for assessment (Qiyas) will be taken from the concerned bodies directly.

Dates of Nomination:

  • The First Batch including students with 80% to 100% average will be on 15/11/1439 AH.
  • The Second Batch including students with 75% to 100% average will be on 18/11/1439 AH.
  • The Third Batch will be on 22/11/1439 AH according to the available seats.

Note that:

  • Selections of specializations will appear according to the applicant's average. The nomination will depend on the applicants' averages and available seats.
  • The applicants should view and respond to the request with either approval or refusal within 48 hours from the nomination dates.
  • After approving the nominated request (specialization), the student will receive a message including the academic number within 48 hours.
  • In case the applicant refuses the nominated specialization, his/her right to it will no longer apply. Then, he/she will select between applying to the next level or withdrawing from the admission.

The nomination is according to the eligible degree percentage and measured degree percentage, and they are counted as follows:

Eligible Degree percentage: 30% Cumulative average, 30% Aptitude test, and 40% Scholastic achievement admission test.

Measured degree percentage: 50% Cumulative average, 50% Aptitude test (for theoretical specializations).

In case the student neither approves or refuses the nominated specialization, his/her admission application will be withdrawn.

To view the admission brochure (click here).