King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


Names of Promoted Employees


His Excellency the Rector of the University, Prof. Falah bin Raja Allah Al Solamy, has issued an approval to promote 179 male and female staff members.

This decree has been confirmed by the Dean of Faculty and Staff Affairs, Dr. Mohammed bin Hamed Al-Buhairi. On this occasion, Dr. Al-Buhairi expressed his sincere appreciation to Rector Al-Solamy for the complete support provided to all university employees.

In the Rector's opening remarks, he congratulated all promoted employees and encouraged them to diligently complete their duties and honor the trust put on their shoulders in service of their country.

For males, any employees whose names are in the attached PDF files below should visit the Deanship of Faculty and Staff Affairs, Promotion Department to receive their promotion decrees on Monday 9/7/1439 AH. Promoted female employees should attend Vice-Presidency of Faculty and Staff Affairs on the same day and date.

For any questions, comments, or concerns about the promotion report, you can contact the Deanship of Faculty and Staff Affairs through the Self- Service Portal by choosing (service section – apply a suggestion).

To view the names of promoted employees, click here.