King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


The 2nd Preparatory Workshop for Prospective University Scholarship Faculty


Under the patronage of His Excellency the President of King Khalid University, Prof. Falah bin Raja Allah Al Solamy, the University Vice Presidency of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research is pleased to invite prospective scholarship students -- Lecturers and Teaching Assistants -- to attend the 2nd preparatory workshop for University lecturers and teaching assistants who are going abroad to further pursue their studies in the academic year 1438/39 AH. The event will include the excellence study and research awards for scholarship faculty members of the university.

It will be held on Tuesday 25/6/1439 AH (13/3/2018 AD), at 08:30 am in the Central Auditorium for men. For women, it will be held at the Muhayel Asir Campus Science College Theater according to the table below:

Please Note: The attendance certificate of this workshop will be one of the scholarship requirements in the near future.