King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


Spring 2018 Graduate Studies Schedules


The Deanship of Graduate Studies has announced the schedules of master and doctorate programs for University students who are committed to the study plan. The Deanship indicated that the schedules were announced on Monday, 27/4/1439 AH, and the students were notified via SMS.

The Deanship is keen to let everyone know about his or her schedules in order for them to start their studies from the beginning of the second term of the academic year 1438/1439 AH. The Deanship additionally asks students with special cases -- those who were re-registered after the announcement of the schedules, those who were transferred to the university, those who completed the study of the courses, and those who have complementary courses -- to communicate with the faculty registrars to confirm their schedules. The deadline for registration is Thursday, 8/5 / 1439H -- and those who are unable to register their schedules will be reassigned as exiting their respective programs.

The Deanship confirmed the readiness of the teachers' schedules, stressing that in coordination with the colleges and before the end of the last semester, study divisions of all the courses were bifurcated and linked to the teachers who will teach these courses.