King Khalid University
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MyKKU Services


Academic and Research Excellence Award


The President of King Khalid University (KKU) issued a directive to grant academic and research excellence awards for university scholarship students abroad. KKU presents this award to honor distinguished faculty members who are continuing their graduate studies during their scholarship periods.

Award Goals

The award aims to encourage university scholarship students abroad to excel in academic and research fields. The outcomes of this award will reflect positively on the continual development of scientific, research and professional aspects of the university faculty members.

General Conditions of the Award:

  • The applicant must be one of the university faculty members.
  • The applicant must have a doctoral certificate or its equal.
  • The name of King Khalid University must be the affiliation name in all works presented for the award by the applicant.
  • The applicant must be a graduate of the academic year 1438-39 AH (2017-18).
  • The applicant must obtain at least 50% of the total possible award points.
  • The applicant must exhibit good moral and conservative Islamic values during the scholarship period.

Award Categories:

1- Medical Science

2- Human Science

3- Applied Science

4- Administrative and Financial Science.

5- Basic Science.

6- Forensic Science.

7- Educational Science.

Differentiation Criteria:

1- Medical and Scientific Specializations (Medical Science, Applied Science, Basic Science)

2- Theoretical Specializations (Administrative and Financial Science, Forensic Science, Educational Science, Human Science)

The Award Prize:

Financial reward (15,000 SR) fifteen thousand Saudi riyals.

A certificate and a commemorative shield of honor delivered by the University President.

Placing the names of award winners on the university website and Aafaq newspaper.

Award Celebration:

The honorary awards will be given to the candidates under the patronage of His Excellency the University president during the annual session of the university scholarship students.

Those who fulfill the conditions above can apply in a week from the announcement date through the concern departments.

You can view the award application form by clicking here.