King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


Engineering Vacancies for Men in the University


In a public competition, the Deanship of Faculty and Staff Affairs at King Khalid University is announcing engineering vacancies for the 6th,7th,8th, 9th, and 10th ranks.

Who Could Apply for the Competition?

  • Those who do not work in the governmental sector or occupy a lower rank than the qualification they were assigned and all terms of the announced jobs apply to them.
  • Those who have had previous services in the state or the private sector clarifying in the experience certificate: the governmental sector name, the job name, the rank, and the dates of the work start and end.
  • The staff of the university who have spent two years in the rank they occupy, except for those who occupy a unique position and they have a minimum of academic and practical qualifications as stated in classification guide. The job that the employee would like to compete for must be higher than the rank he already occupied. Those who have sufficient qualifications to occupy the job according to the terms of the declaration are excepted to apply.
  • Those who work in the private sector, and who own academic qualifications and practical experiences, which are approved from the same entity and appropriate for the area of specialization must attach a certification of service and a statement from the Insurance authority that covers the service period.

How to Apply for Jobs:

  • First, an applicant has to attach photos and documents on his device before starting the registration process because the documents are uploaded on PDF format, and application cannot be completed unless one uploads documents.
  • Secondly, log and register on the university's portal:

Required Documents:

  1. A copy of the national ID card
  2. A copy of the academic qualifications and training courses, if any.
  3. A copy of experience certificates and Social Insurance information.

Important Notes:

  • The announcement includes only men.
  • The application period starts on 4/5/1439 AH and lasts up to 8/5/1439 AH.
  • To have a look on the list of jobs, click here
  • To log into the registration portal through the e-recruitment portal, click here
  • Should one face any technical problems during submission, please email us on the following e-mail: