King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


"Invest Wisely Program" Launches as a Competition


Al-Rajhi Capital, the Kingdom's premier investment firm, launched the "Invest Wisely Program" competition in partnership with Tadawul, the Saudi Stock Exchange. The competition will start on December 3, 2017, and last for a month. The first ten winners will receive valuable prizes at the end of the competition. It aims to encourage investors to use a proprietary virtual platform where they can challenge themselves and test their financial acumen in a safe environment.

The program is an integral attribute of Tadawul's ambitious initiatives aimed at raising financial and investment awareness in the Kingdom by providing effective resources and tools based on three pillars: learning, interaction, and application. It includes an educational portal where the beneficiary can learn the basics of investment and the financial tools available in the Saudi financial markets. Furthermore, the program has offered an opportunity to register for free training courses, experience different investment strategies, and apply them to a virtual trading platform that imitates the Saudi Stock Market.

In a sustained effort to provide unique opportunities to our future leaders, Tadawul has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Ministry of Education. The purpose is to activate the “Invest Wisely Program" in universities and to involve students in an integrated and interactive educational investment system through the establishment introductory distance learning courses, educational workshops, and investment competitions.

The “Invest Wisely Program" clearly illustrates Tadawul believes in the importance of spreading a culture of sound financial acumen. Moreover, it seeks to boost student confidence in their abilities to make winning investment decisions. Lastly, the program is in line with Vision 2030, which calls for the widespread development of human capital.

It is noteworthy that the competition is open to all KKU students, faculty members, and employees. The student competition will be announced in the first quarter of 2018 and winners will be presented with prizes from the official sponsor, Al-Rajhi Capital.