King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


Start of Enrollment into Applied Diploma Programs


King Khalid University (KKU), represented by the Community Service and Continuing Education Deanship has recently announced the start of admission to applied diploma programs for the first term of the current year academic year 1438-1439 AH. Admission is available only for male and female students, and the applicants are going to obtain, after study, certificates that are accredited and classified by the Civil Service Ministry.

The available diplomas include many disciplines. Some of which will need a year of study such as applied programming and library management. Also available is another discipline that requires two years of study - information system programming.

Registration starts by depositing admission fees into the account of the Community Service and Continuing Education Deanship in Al Bilad Bank. The student has to mention his full name and his ID number when depositing. It should be noted that depositing isn't accepted via the ATM or the Internet. Then, the applicants should visit the headquarters of the Community Service and Continuing Education Deanship in Lassan, former Teachers' College, Building two, where they will fill in registration forms. Applicants have to bring a copy of documents such as the ID and the secondary school certificate.