King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


External Change Period for the 1st Academic Year 1438/39


External Change Period for the First Academic Year 1438/39 AH

Dates of applying:

  • The applying period starts on 10/10/1438 AH and lasts up to 16/10/1438 AH.

General Conditions for External Change:

  1. The student must be a Saudi, or from a Saudi Mother.
  2. The student must finish the preparation year (if there is) and choose a specialization.
  3. All the requests will be treated according to the capacity of the specialization or department. The differentiation between students is according to their Grade Point Average (GPA).
  4. The student must finish more than two semesters and less than four semesters.
  5. The total commitment to the time and the place of the change period in the University.
  6. The Graduation year from the secondary school should not exceed five years.
  7. In the case of changing from private colleges, the admission grade rate in the secondary school of the private college condition must be the same as the university admission condition of grade rate.

Application Procedures:

The student has to request the change by applying through academia. Then, the student fills out the electronic form carefully because he\she will be responsible for the accuracy of the data entered. The student must upload the required documents in (PDF) format and then save the request.

Required Documents:

  • A copy of the National Identity Card.
  • A copy of the secondary school certificate.
  • One original copy and two certified copies of the student’s latest academic record.
  • A certified change form by the Deanship of Admission and Registration in the university that the student is currently enrolled in.

After that, the student should follow-up the status of the request on the website of King Khalid University Deanship of Registration and Admission to check the approval of the request. All contacts with applicants will be via text messages.

In the case of Approval:

Only the regular study period will be counted for the student.

The previous courses before the external change request will not be included in the current student’s GPA.