King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


External Change Period for the Second Semester.


External Change Period for the Second Semester 1437 / 1438 AH.

The Deanship of Admission and Registration at King Khalid University (KKU), is announcing the External Change Period for the second semester of the academic year 1437 / 1438 AH, which will start - God Willing - through, on Tuesday 26 / 4 / 1438 AH, and will last on Monday 2 / 5 /1438 AH.

Mechanism of External Change:

  • The student must apply for the change through a request on the website of the Deanship (Academia) in the following link
  • Then, the student fills the request form, by entering the data as required. The student is responsible for the accuracy of the data entered.
  • The student must upload the required documents in (PDF) format.

These documents are:

  • A certified Change Form by the Deanship of Admission and Registration in the university that the student is currently enrolled in.
  • One original copy and two certified copies of the student’s Academic Record.
  • A copy of the secondary school certificate.
  • A copy of the National Identity Card.
  • Then, the student should save the request.
  • After that, the student should follow-up the status of the request on the website of KKU Deanship of Registration and Admission to check the approval of the request.
  • All contacts with applicants will be via text messages.

General Conditions for External Change:

1 - The student must be a Saudi, or from a Saudi Mother.

2 - The student must finish the preparation year (if there is) and choose a specialization.

3 - All the requests will be treated according to the capacity of the specialization or department. The differentiation between students is according to their Grade Point Average (GPA).

4 - The student must finish more than two semesters and less than four semesters.

5 - The total commitment to the time and the place of the change period in the University.

6 - The student must pass any test that the college or department may require (if there is).

7 - The Graduation year from the secondary school should not exceed five years.

In case of Approval:

Only the regular study period will be counted for the student.

The previous courses before the external change request will not be included in the current student’s GPA.

Note that: Any wrong information given by the student will render his / her request for the change null and void, and thus cancels the change process.